Digital Inclusion Fund
In 2014, more than $300,000 was awarded to community organizations actively working to bridge the digital divide. The search is on for this year’s grantees.
Kansas City Startup Village
The Kansas City Startup Village (KCSV) is an entrepreneur-led community helping to grow and support
Kansas City entrepreneurs and the startup ecosystem.
KC Digital Media Lab
Transcending traditional library boundaries, KCDML equips urban youth with deep technical learning experiences, from audio-video production to virtual reality game design.
Gigabit Explorer Challenge
Organized by US Ignite and Google Fiber, the Gigabit Explorer Challenge threw down the gauntlet for developers to aim sky high in creating applications that would fully leverage gigabit fiber.
Born out of the first Hacking the Gigabit City event, was founded by developer and shutterbug Brandon Schatz as a social marketplace for photographers of sporting events.
Software Lending Library
Developed out of the first Hacking the Gigabit City event, Software Lending Library is just as it sounds: Use it to check out software onto any desktop, anywhere.
PlanIT Impact
Birthed at Hacking the Gigabit City 2013, PlanIT Impact is a visually immersive, data-driven planning tool for designers and builders.
Hacking the Gigabit City
On the weekend of March 22-24, 2013, more than 130 developers, technologists and visionaries gathered at the Google Fiber Space in Kansas City for three days of pitching, envisioning, and coding next-generation applications capable of taking advantage of gigabit connectivity.
Code for America
In 2013, Code for America sent two civic hackers to KCMO and KCK to identify and solve a problem facing the community at the intersection of government and people.
Cisco Smart + Connected Communities
In May 2014, Kansas City signed a letter of intent with Cisco Systems, Inc. to explore the possibility of developing a smart city corridor along the streetcar starter line in Downtown KCMO.