Event Date: July 29, 2020
Time: 8:30-10:00 am
Location: Google Meet
Admission: Free

Beginning in July, KC Digital Drive’s Health Innovation Team will divert from the sole Covid-19 focus programming of the past few months. We will continue to update on our extensive work in this space, but want to maintain coverage of the other innovative work in digital health and health innovation in the metro. This month, we will look at approaches to collaboration in health in the Kansas City area. Among the wealth of local organizations and initiatives, we will have the opportunity to hear from two.

BioNexus KC hosts a series of events designed to stimulate collaboration across our region and solve specific scientific challenges. Scientists, entrepreneurs, students and anyone interested can participate and ask questions. This year’s series is already underway and focused Autism Spectrum Disorder. Our presenter will be Keith Gary, Ph.D., Vice President of BioNexus KC.

The KC Health Collaborative is a fast-growing non-profit organization collaboratively created by more than two dozen multi-stakeholder Founding Partners, including KC Digital Drive, who believe that by working together they can catalyze meaningful improvements in health and healthcare delivery that position Kansas City as a national leader in health, wellbeing, and economic vitality for all. Areas of interest include better use of data from health information exchanges, as well as development and integration of social referral networks. Mary Jo Condon, Senior Consultant, will share the evolution and direction of the Collaborative with us.



Every month, we bring together a group of health care stakeholders to learn and share about technology and innovation projects happening in the region–and occasionally related topics from outside the Greater Kansas City area. Our stakeholders include hospitals and the health care system, city and state government officials, health IT firms and other corporate partners, startups working in health and wellness, and other civic organizations. The meetings are open, though not widely broadcast. They generally happen on the last Wednesday of the month, 8:30-10:00 am at Mid-America Regional Council (MARC).
We send out an email agenda and calendar invite to this stakeholder list, which we loosely call the Health Innovation Team. If you wish to be added to the email list, please send a note to jfitzpatrick@kcdigitaldrive.org.