With a mission to connect their students to more opportunities through technology and leadership, Lumen Touch works to empower all students, adult and child learners alike, to be brighter, and to improve the well being of every student. 

Lumen Software was established in 2000 with the goal of being an all-in-on technological education solution. They strive to save clients time and money, allowing students and teachers to focus on what will improve their well being. In 2011, current CEO Dr. John Vandewalle acquired the company. Dr. Vandewalle changed the name to Lumen Touch to more directly reflect their mission and has been working to upgrade systems and services. 

Lumen Touch is a solution for everyone involved in the education system. It is based on wired and interfacing information systems. These include student information, transportation, school board documents, food services, and many more. The system connects classroom activities, assessments, athletics, health services, food service, libraries, administration offices, and the rest of a school system’s components all together. The goal here is a “gigabit district” that is better able to connect its students to opportunities. Asset data, staff data, and student data are shared to reduce redundancy and increase connection. 

This management system is based around all the social determinants of health: environment and safety, hunger, access to care, housing, mental health, transportation, education, income and jobs, and isolation. 

The Lumen Touch solution incorporates cloud computing, universal communication, cyber security, single sign on, smart networks, mobile learning, and portfolio management. The connected data includes state reporting, district reporting, report customization, electronic reporting, assessments and compliance, and curriculum sharing. The shared system allows for universal communication, meaning emergency notifications, lock down information, email and social media, multilingual reporting, on-demand curriculum creation, and assessments.

These are categorized in specific programs. Bright Sped is their Special Education and 504 Management solution. Bright Insight is their Data Analysis and Dashboards solution. This program allows users to customize their dashboards to support their goals. It also offers multi-device access and tracks multiple indicators of success, encouraging data-driven intervention when needed. Bright Tracks is their Communication and Transportation solution. This allows parents and guardians to be more cognizant of all steps in their student’s transportation to and from school, including real-time pickup and drop off notifications. Finally, Bright Space is their Communication and Collaboration solution. This platform allows for content, support, feedback, and analytics to be included in messages. It offers a full studio for all communication needs, accessible on several devices and formats. 

These solutions have effective ways of connecting and working together to strengthen an education system’s capacity for learning and growth. Ultimately, they can help to create a gigabit school district. 

Lumen Touch works in more than 12 states, including 30% of the school districts in Missouri. They work with 1,200,000 student records and try to be connected to the communities in which they work by forging partnerships. 

View presentation slides here

CEO Dr. John Vandewalle presented on Lumen Touch to KC Digital Drive’s Health Innovation Team on July 25, 2018.

Further Reading

KC Digital Drive Collaboration with New Programming at Literacy KC

Kansas City non-profit Literacy KC has expanded its services to include not just traditional and digital literacy, but health and financial literacy, as well. These topics now fit nicely into the online and in-class hybrid learning that Literacy KC offers. In health, this includes things like knowing the roles of various practitioners, choosing a health […]

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